Friday, 30 December 2011

Planes, Trains & Automobiles

Okay so the title is a little misleading as I'm only taking a train but I tried to watch the movie but my eyes started to hurt from the movement of the train and trying to focus on the screen. So I'm on my way to Toronto (Oshawa) to stay with some friends for New Years. Should be a good time and it should only take me a little over four hours to get there. BUT I'm still pretty tired as I had to get up at 4:30 am to get to the train station and I'm now afraid to have a nap in fear that I will miss my stop and actually end up in Toronto and not Oshawa. I have to keep myself entertained and the trains wi-fi isn't really great for playing games online, so I decided to write a blog about it all.
Can't wait to see my good friends, although I see/talk to them a lot it will be fun as we usually (more like always) have a good time. I hope this New Years goes better than the last one as I was sick for that.
Also I have some observations about my travels with VIA. Aside from the wi-fi blowing balls (it will not let me on YouTube so just look for "Louise CK + internet" on it), I have noticed that every time I've been on the train, I always sit on the left hand side of the car. Another thing I noticed this time around is that they have not checked for tickets yet. I find that odd as they have come up and down offering drinks, etc but not to make sure everyone has a ticket. I also fear leaving my bag up at the front of the car as I always think someone will steal it before I get off at my stop.
I asked for a window seat when booking my ticket thinking I'd be able to look out and see some of the stuff that is passing me by. I didn't even think about it being 5:40 am when the train left and it still being pitch black out.
Oh well, time to listen to some music.

Thursday, 8 December 2011

NBA You're a Joke

So Chris Paul has just been traded to the Lakers and they could STILL get Howard from the Magic. The NBA just had a lockout where they were all about small market teams getting to compete, what bullshit that is. What makes this even worse is that the NBA OWNS the Hornets, where Paul is being traded from, and then they send this kind of message by trading him to LA.
NBA you just proved why you are my least liked sport.