Well apparently getting a hockey stick to the face means three things.
1) Makes for a cool looking picture (which was taken by my Dad)
2) You get a cool scar (hard to see and it is tiny)
3) You come back the next game and score a hat trick.
All of those things happened to me. I got clipped by a stick after a shot was taken which cut around my right eye. I was wearing a visor and to be honest there isn't much room between the visor and my nose which turned out to be a good thing. My nose took the brunt of the stuck and slide the stick off to the side some more. I'm pretty sure if my nose didn't take the brunt that I would have been cut on the eye and had some major problems.
My Father has come to watch me play as it has been awhile since he has seen a game. This all happened about 5 to 7 minutes into the game and he was messing around with his new phone so he didn't see it. With blood running down my face from my eye, I had to call my Dad over which wasn't easy because he was having fun fiddling with the phone.
So with blood on my face, helmet, gloves and stick gone I finally get the attention of my Father. He looks up and has the expression of "Fuck Kyle, what did you do?" We head into the dressing room and clean my face up and he thinks I need to go to the hospital to possibly get stitched up. I wanted to continue to play but the refs wouldn't let me back on the ice.
So we arrive at the hospital and I'm giving my info to the reception and I get asked "Your home situation is good? This wasn't caused there?" All the while I'm thinking in my head "You think I'd let this happen to me? If this was actually from abuse someone else would be in the hospital with me."
Anyways, two hours later I'm sitting in the back and the doc has already seen me and says he isn't going to do anything for the eye. Which is all fine as I didn't really want to go to the hospital in the first place but he says he wants to give me a tetanus shot since I don't remember ever having one.
I then have to wait another 20 minutes to get the tetanus shot from a nurse, a good looking one at that. She asks me how I got the cut and I said it was from hockey and that I didn't think it was that bad. She then said something like "Well you do look like a tough guy." and then injected me with the needle.
I just finished my next game back from getting the stick to the face and we played the top team in the league. I ended up getting a hat trick and we won the game 5-2.
I'll just end it there.